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Chronology of Publications and Articles by Dr. Graves 
                                                               compiled by William R. Lee, et al.




"A Study of the Genesis and Dynamics of Psychopathic Personality as Revealed By Combining The Clinical Case History and Experimental Approaches," Ph.D. dissertation, Case Western University. Listed under Hall, Calvin Springer, Jr., U of Cal. Berkeley, Volume S0028, Number AAI0140317


"An Emergent Theory of Ethical Behavior Based Upon - An Epigenetic Model," Schenectady, New York, 1959


"Salient Points for Understanding Human Behavior per the Existential Psychological Point of View," early 1960s - several tables and lists which reflect Dr. Graves' thinking at the time


"On the Theory of Ethical Behavior," presented at the First Unitarian Society of Schenectady, New York, 1961


"The Implications to Management of Systems – Ethical Theory," November 11, 1962


"Levels of Human Existence and Their Relation to Value Analysis and Engineering," proceedings of the Fifth Annual Values Analysis Conference, source of presentation unknown - (about 1964-1965)

"Value Systems and their Relation to Managerial Controls and Organizational Viability," paper presented before the College of Management Philosophy, The Institute of Management Sciences, Jack Tar Hotel, San Francisco, February 3, 1965

"Personality Structure and Perceptual Readiness" (with B. Huntley and D.W. LaBier) "An Investigation of Their Relationship to Hypothesized Levels of Human Existence," (research carried out by Doug LaBier) at Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. in May, 1965.

"Man: An Enlarged Conception of His Nature," paper presented before the Second Annual Conference on the Cybercultural Revolution at the Hotel Americana in New York City, New York on May 27, 1965.


Favorite case studies: "Blair Bischel" and "Glenn Spicer" Both of these papers are listed as follows: Cases of John B. Miner, The Management of Ineffective Performance, McGraw-Hill 

"Deterioration of Work Standards," Harvard Business Review – September/October – 1966, Vol.44, No. 5, pages 117-126 (Not available for online reading - reprints from HBR.)

"On the Theory of Value," presented at the National Institutes of Mental Health, Washington, D.C., March, 1967.


"Motivation Wise, Executives Are Reluctant Dragons," keynote address for the Institute on Motivation and Productivity of the Public Personnel Association, The Hudson-Mohawk Training Directors Society, The Industrial Training Council and The Capital District Personnel Association, In-Town Motel, Albany, New York, March 25, 1969.

"A Systems View of Value Problems,"  IEEE Systems Science & Cybernetics Conference, Philadelphia, PA, October, 1969. (revised in later work)


"Levels of Existence: An Open System Theory of Values," The Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Fall 1970, Vol. 10. No. 2, pp. 131-154. (The publisher does not authorize electronic reproduction. However, a paper reprint is included in the book, Clare W. Graves: Levels of Human Existence."

"The Levels of Existence and their Relation to Welfare Problems," paper presented at the Annual Conference Meeting, Virginia State Department of Welfare and Distribution, Roanoke, Virginia, May 6, 1970. 

"Personal Dimensions of Student Disaffection," paper read at the 175th anniversary celebration of the founding of Union College on May 7, 1970

"The Congruent Management Strategy," with Helen T. Madden & Lynn P. Madden based on an industrial study


Untitled Presentation by Dr. Clare W. Graves, Annual Meeting of The Association of Humanistic Psychology, 1971 

"Levels of Existence Related To Learning Systems," paper read at the Ninth Annual Conference of the National Society for Programming Instruction, Rochester, New York, March 31, 1971

"Seminar on Levels of Human Existence" at the Washington School of Psychiatry, Washington, D.C., October 16, 1971 (Based on a tape transcription by William Lee, revised February, 2002. An expanded and updated paperback version with illustrations and tables is available from ECLET Publishing as Clare W. Graves: Levels of Human Existence.) 

"How Should Whom Lead Who to Do What?" paper delivered for the YMCA Management Forum of 1971-1972,  Downtown Branch YMCA, St. Louis, Missouri, November 9, 1971


"Let Us Bring Humanistic and General Psychology Together: A Research Project Needing to Become," paper presented at National Institutes of Mental Health in Washington, D. C. on March 16, 1973

Seminar Notes, Quetico Centre, Canada, October, 1973


"Human Nature Prepares for a Momentous Leap," The Futurist magazine, April 1974, pp. 72-87

Seminar at Quetico Centre, Canada, June, 1974 (audio tapes)

Seminar at Quetico Centre, Canada, August, 1974 (audio tapes)

Interview with Cliff McIntosh, Quetico Centre (video tape)


"What is Life All About? What is it Meant to Be?" (tentative title for previously unpublished book manuscript to be released 2005 as The Never Ending Quest by ECLET Publishing.)


"Up the Existential Staircase," seminar on the Development, Nature, Meaning and Management of The Levels of Existence, Emergent, Cyclical, Double Helix Model of Adult Human Psychosocial Coping Systems [1978 / same paper with graphs added 1980]


Seminar with National Values Center in Dallas, December, 1980 (audio tape)


"Summary Statement: The Emergent, Cyclical, Double-Helix Model Of The Adult Human Biopsychosocial Systems," handout for presentation to World Future Society,  Boston, Mass., May 20, 1981  (temporary .pdf version)


Seminar Notes and Handout prepared for NVC-sponsored programs (graphics to be added)


Dr. Graves' Union College Biography and Obituary as it appeared in the Concordy, 1/16/86


Clare W. Graves: Levels of Human Existence. Transcription of recordings and notes by William R. Lee from Dr. Graves's presentation at the Washington School of Psychiatry, 1971. ECLET Publishing, Santa Barbara.


The Never Ending Quest: Clare W. Graves Explores Human Nature. Compiled by Chris Cowan and Natasha Todorovic from Dr. Graves's unpublished manuscript and excerpts from his writings. ECLET Publishing, Santa Barbara.


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