References to the work of Dr. Graves                                                                          4


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Ray, Paul, "The Integral Culture Study," Institute of Noetic Sciences,1994


Ray, Paul and Sherry Ruth Anderson, The Cultural Creatives: How 50 Million People

         are Changing the World, Harmony Books, New York, 2000


Richard, Lawrence R., J.D., Ph.D., "Secrets of the Inner Sanctum: Six Key Determinants of 

            Law Firm Behavior," ALA News, April/May 1993.


Rohan, Thomas M., "Should a Worker's Personalaity Affect Your Managing," Industry 

           Week, May 5, 1975, pp.28-38.


Rosado, Caleb, "What Is Spirituality? Memetics, Quantum Mechanics, and the Spiral of

           Spirituality.". Proceedings from the 26th International Faith and Learning 

           Symposium, on Science and Religion. Geoscience Research Institute, Loma Linda,

           California, U.S.A. July 16-28, 2000. 

           Available at

_____ "Memetics and the Multiple Futures of Racism: Beyond the Myth of Race Toward

           a New Paradigm for Resolution for the Third Millennium." Futures Research 

           Quarterly, Spring 1999, Vol. 15:1; pp. 29-62.  

_____ "When We Disagree: A Spiral Dynamics approach to dealing with differences."

           Adventist Review, April 27, 2000, pp. 8-12. 

_____ "Memetics and Spiral Leadership: the New Direction for Management in the 

           21st Century." 
_____ "What's Wrong with Diversity Training? The Need for a New Model."


_____ "Memetics and Education."


_____ "The Multiple Futures of Racism."


_____ "Definitions for Training in Diversity."

_____ "Is There Such a Thing as 'Race'? A Dialogue."


_____ "Looking Below the Surface: Church Leadership for the 21st Century."


_____ "New Times Demand New Minds: Spiral Leadership and the New Direction for

           Adventism in the 21st Century." 

_____ "The Sabbath and Spirituality: Does the Information Have a 'Rest Area'?"


_____ "The Demise of Ethnic Differences: Cultural Identity and the Internet"

_____ "Beyond Color, Culture, and Other Superficial Differences: Toward a New 

           Theoretical Approach for a Successful Multicultural Education Program for the

           21st Century." 

_____ "Looking Below the Surface: Church Leadership for the 21st Century."



Steed, Nicholas, "The Theory that Explains Everything," Maclean's Magazine

           October 1967  (Authorized reprints are available. Also see
  for excerpts.)


Todorovic, Natasha, "Kosovo: The Wrong War," web paper at 


Varey, William, "Transforming Sustainability: An integral leader's framework", paper 
            presented at the Sixth Spirituality, Leadership and Management Conference, 
            Fremantle, Australia, February 20, 2003


Wade, Jenny, Changes of Mind: A Holonomic Theory of the Evolution of

           Consciousness, SUNY, 1996


Wilber, Ken, Introductions to the Collected Works, Volume7 & Volume 8, Shambhala,

           1999, 2000

_____  Integral Psychology : Conciousness, Spirit, Psychology, Therapy

            Shambhala, 2000

_____  A Theory of Everything, Shambhala, 2000


Woodsmall, Wyatt and Marilyne Woodsmall, People Pattern Power, Advanced

            Behavioral Modeling, 1998


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