Dr. Graves'

THE FOURTH SUBSISTENCE LEVEL - The D-Q or Absolutistic Existential State

Theme: Sacrifice self now in order to receive reward later.

This system begins to emerge when successful C-P existence creates a bi-polar set of problems, the problems of existence D. These result when the self-centered, hedonsitic C-P exis tence creates a problem for the haves, as well as the have-nots. They are also products of the increased activation of consciousness of self and consciousness of others. The have is brought face-to-face with death's taking away the pleasure of existence and with the problem of having to give up his/her successful self-centered existence. The have-not, also facing the awareness of death, has the problem of explaining why life has been such a miserable existence. These awarenesses of death problems activate the Q neurological system, a system specifically equipped to experience quilt, to learn through avoidant learning (i.e., punishment) and to rationalize.

Thinking at this level is absolutistic, a one right way - all others are wrong, black and white, good or evil, all or none, categorical fashion. It is in terms of absolute rules as a necessity for control of C-P impulses.

True two-way interpersonal relations are expressed along with true identification with and pity for others. Thinks in terms of others being taken into account, as a person having needs and feelings which are different from the others' , but such feelings are judged as the right feelings or the wrong feelings.

Assumes a right-wrong position in respect to everything, even an either-or conception of knowledge and sees weakness in any person who takes a position and then changes.

Thinks in terms of giving and receiving, but, in the long run, always in terms of giving now or doing now in order to get, (i.e. , to receive later) , but only after one has learned the right.

Also thinks in terms of punishment right now, and ever after, for wrong doing unless one repents. Thinks in terms of tenderness, of giving, of living with, provided one lives by "my" authoritarian ways.

Giving is professed as more important than receiving, but giving is done with the ultimate aim of receiving.

Is sensitive to the feeling of guilt and, thus, to disapproval. Feels guilt for possessing forbidden thoughts or desires and believes the feeling of guilt and the act of atonement are the proper responses for wrong done to others.

D-Q behavior shows a struggle to free self from the guilt of selfishness thorough the acceptance of hierarchy. The higher authority evaluates the struggling acts of the lower without taking the offending person's feelings into account.

Sponsors a benevolently autocratic, moralistic-prescriptive form for managing all life. This must be religiously adhered to.

First appeared about 6,000 years ago.

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